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Event Details

Open for registration

Global Neuro—Adult and Pediatric Advanced Neurotrauma Course (With Hands-on Training)

at the XXI. Congress of the Brazilian Academy of Neurosurgery

  • 01 July 2025
  • Brazil | Manaus
  • Andres M. Rubiano Universidad El Bosque, Bogota, Colombia
  • Robson Amorim Federal University of Amazonas

  • Andres M. Rubiano
    Universidad El Bosque, Bogota, Colombia 
  • Robson Amorim
    Federal University of Amazonas  
Latin America
Hospital Universitário Getúlio Vargas
Lectures, Interactive case discussion, Simulators
Target audience

The Global Neuro—Adult and Pediatric Advanced Neurotrauma Course has been developed for neurosurgeons, residents, surgeons, and physicians who are experienced in the management of cranial neurotrauma and who have a strong interest in complex patient care, clinical research, and an interdisciplinary approach.


English, Portuguese

Course description

This course covers the current best strategies and considerations for managing neurotrauma patients and is based on competencies defined in Global Neuro’s curriculum.

The content is delivered using multiple methods. Comprehensive lectures concentrate on the understanding of core material. Interactive case presentations further deepen this knowledge and enrich the discussion on trauma management. Practical sessions teach the application of Global Neuro principles to the management of common injuries. Case-based discussions link the lecture material and practical skills with the clinical problems encountered in clinical practice.

Participants will be able to interact throughout the course.


By completing this course, participants will be better able to:

  • Perform an appropriate assessment of neurotrauma patients with the application of relevant guidelines.
  • Choose the appropriate diagnosis modalities and interpret the results.
  • Perform advanced neuromonitoring and interpretation to guide treatment interventions.
  • Manage cranial neurotrauma in adult, pediatric, and polytrauma patients.
  • Plan and perform the following operative techniques: advanced neuromonitoring placement, decompressive craniotomy, dural enlargement, expansive craniotomy, and advanced cranioplasty.
  • Manage critical complications, such as intraoperative bleeding, expanding intracranial hematomas, brain swelling/edema, post-operative infection, and posttraumatic hydrocephalus.

Global Neuro, Ximena Rodriguez
Phone: +13217322199, Email:


Register for the course Online: XXI CONGRESSO DA ABNc - 01 a 05 de julho de 2025 - Manaus - AM

Methods of Payment:  Full payment is required prior the start of the activity. The registration fee includes instructional materials, refreshment breaks, and lunches.
Neurosurgeons and residents fee: 40 USD (Must register for the congress); Intensivists fee: 50 USD 


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