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Event Details


Global Neuro Course— Neurotrauma and Neurocritical Care (With Hands-on Training)

- For Residents

  • 22 - 24 August 2025
  • United States | Milwaukee
  • Shelly Timmons Medical College of Wisconsin
  • David Okonkwo University of Pittsburgh
  • Gregory Hawryluk Cleveland Clinic
  • Registration fee: USD 100.00

The Global Neuro Course—Neurotrauma and Neurocritical Care for Residents, covers the theoretical basis and practical principles for managing traumatic brain and spine injuries and making proper decisions in daily clinical practice.

Course Delivery Format: Lectures, Interactive Sessions with Audience Response System / Gamification, Hands-On Cranial and Spinal Sessions with Instrumentation, Demonstrations of Neuromonitoring Equipment, Neuroendovascular Simulation.

  • Shelly Timmons
    Medical College of Wisconsin 
  • David Okonkwo
    University of Pittsburgh 
  • Gregory Hawryluk
    Cleveland Clinic 
North America
United States
Medical College of Wisconsin (TBC)
Artificial bone practicals, Lectures, Simulators
Target audience

The Global Neuro Course—Neurotrauma for Residents has been developed for neurosurgical residents to provide additional education on the complex management issues surrounding traumatic injuries, including traumatic brain injury, spinal cord and spinal column injury, blunt vascular injury, and peripheral nerve injury. 




Course Description

This course for residents covers the current best strategies and considerations for managing neurotrauma and neurocritical care patients and is based on competencies defined in Global Neuro’s curriculum. The course focuses on cranial and spinal trauma. The content is delivered using multiple methods: Comprehensive lectures concentrate on the understanding of core material. Hands-on sessions are provided to stimulate interest in surgical and procedural techniques for managing the diverse types of injuries neurosurgeons in practice must address when taking trauma call.  Residents will be exposed to a variety of perspectives from neurotrauma leaders around the country on the use of multimodality neuromonitoring and complex management issues to augment their experiences in their home training programs.  They will also be exposed to current thoughts on the future of the specialty.



Session I: Diagnosis and Prognosis

  • Prognostication in TBI: What Do We Know? (20 Minutes)-Chesnut
  • Neuroimaging Innovations in TBI and SCI (20 Minutes)-Okonkwo
  • Neurocritical Care Issues in TBI Management (20 Minutes)-Ngwenya
  • Cognitive Sequelae and Rehabilitation After TBI (20 Minutes)-Terry

Session II: Fundamentals of Neurotrauma Management

  • Management of Craniofacial Trauma (20 Minutes)-Nail
  • Management of Pediatric Spine Trauma (20 Minutes)-Adelson
  • Management of High C-Spine Trauma (20 Minutes)-Zuckerman
  • Management of Subaxial Cervical Spine Trauma (15 Minutes)- Sieg
  • Management of Thoracolumbar Trauma (20 Minutes)-Zwagerman

Session IV: Special Topics in Neurotrauma I (PEARLS)

  • Blunt Vascular Injuries (15 Minutes) -TBD
  • Post-Traumatic Seizure Disorders (15 Minutes)-Pease
  • Penetrating Brain Injury Management Pearls (15 Minutes)-Armonda
  • Penetrating Brain Injury Guidelines (15 Minutes)-Hawryluk

Session V: Special Topics in Neurotrauma II (PEARLS)

  • Peripheral Nerve Injury (15 Minutes)-Webb
  • Decompressive Craniotomy (15 Minutes)-Timmons
  • Geriatric Patients with TBI (15 Minutes)-Stippler
  • Reversal of Antithrombotic Medications (15 Minutes)-Sieg
  • Biomarkers in TBI and SCI (15 Minutes) Minutes)-Manley

Session VII: The Future of Neurotrauma 

  • A New Framework for TBI Nomenclature & Classification (15 Minutes)-Manley
  • Quality Registries, Benchmarking, Certification (15 Minutes)-Timmons
  • Global Clinical Burden of Neurotrauma (15 Minutes)-Zwagerman
  • Global Financial Burden of Neurotrauma (15 Minutes)-Zuckerman
  • Global Neurotrauma Panel Discussion (25 Minutes)-Dewan, Thompson, Zuckerman, and Zwagerman

For content details and additional information see  the Course Preliminary Program.


This course covers theoretical and practical principles of diagnosis, management, and prognosis of a variety of neurotrauma and neurocritical care problems, including traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, spinal column injury, craniofacial injury, peripheral nerve injury, and blunt vascular injury.

By completing this course, participants will be better able to:

  • Review evidentiary bases for prognostication, diagnosis, and management of various neurotrauma injuries, including those to the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, spinal column, craniofacial structures, and craniocervical vasculature.
  • Be familiar with the breadth and depth of neurotrauma diagnoses, treatments, and controversies.
  • Understand the surgical anatomy and be facile with basic techniques including: ventriculostomy; decompressive craniectomy; internal fixation for occiput to C2, subaxial cervical spine, and thoracolumbar spine injuries; and basic endovascular techniques.
  • Be familiar with innovations taking place in the care of neurotrauma patients
  • Be familiar with controversies in neurotrauma, areas of equipoise and lack of evidence, and understand the arguments for various positions regarding controversial management issues

Global Neuro, Ximena Rodriguez
Phone: +13217322199, Email:

Registration fee
USD 100.00
Included items
Coffee breaks, Course bag, Course materials, Lunch

Cancellation Policy: 50% until 30 days before the event. No refund thereafter.

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