Global Neuro—Comprehensive Online Diploma in Neurotrauma Care
Q2, 2025
- Date tbd
- Andres M. Rubiano Universidad El Bosque, Bogota, Colombia
- Gregory Hawryluk Cleveland Clinic
Registration fee: USD 500.00
This Global Neuro Comprehensive Online Diploma in Neurotrauma Care has been developed for neurosurgeons and other health care providers, including residents, dedicated to the integral management of Neurotrauma, as well as complex and interdisciplinary patient care. The program is endorsed by the WFNS Neurotraumatology Committee and WFNS Young Neurosurgeons Forum.
Andres M. Rubiano
Universidad El Bosque, Bogota, Colombia -
Gregory Hawryluk
Cleveland Clinic
Andres M. Rubiano
Universidad El Bosque, Bogota, Colombia
Name and Title(s): Professor Andres M. Rubiano MD, PhD(c), IFAANS, FACS
Profession: Physician
Job title: Professor of Neurosciences & Neurosurgery
Other Affiliations:
Meditech Foundation Medical and Research Director
Areas of specialty:
General neurosurgery, Neurotrauma, Critical/Intensive care, Epidemiology, Prehospital care, Emergency care, Research Scientist
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Andres M. Rubiano, MD, PhD
Current position(s) and affiliations: Medical & Research Director, Meditech Foundation, Cali, Colombia
Professor of Neurosciences and Neurosurgery -Director of Neurotrauma Research, Universidad El Bosque, Bogota, Colombia / Professor of Neurological Surgery, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
Chair of the Neurotraumatology Committee of the WFNS / Chair of the International Committee of the Neurotrauma and Critical Care Section of the AANS.
Specific expertise: His expertise is in Neurotraumatology and Clinical Research, including aspects like trauma systems, emergency care, neurosurgery, and critical care.
Gregory Hawryluk
Cleveland Clinic
Name and Title(s): Temporary Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery Gregory Hawryluk MD, PhD, FRCSC
Profession: Physician
Areas of specialty:
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Dr. Gregory Hawryluk,MD, PhD, FRCSC
Current position(s) and affiliations: Neurosurgeon at Cleveland Clinic and Medical Director of the Brain Trauma Foundation
Greg completed his neurosurgical residency at the University of Toronto. During this time he also completed a basic science PhD in Neural Repair and Regeneration under the supervision of Dr. Michael Fehlings which examined the mechanism by which neural precursor cells augment recovery from spinal cord injury.
He leads the development of the Brain Trauma Foundation's head injury guidelines, Co-Directed the development of the SIBICC algorithms and is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards for academic achievements such as the Murray Goldstein Award of the National Neurotrauma Society as well as humanitarian awards such as the University Health Network’s Sopman Humanitarian Award.
Specific expertise: spine and brain trauma
Anthony Figaji
University of Cape Town
Name and Title(s): Professor Anthony Figaji MBChB FCS Phd
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Anthony Figaji MBChB, MMED, FCS (Neurosurgery), PhD
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor and Head Paediatric Neurosurgery at the University of Cape Town in South Africa.
National Research Foundation SARChI Chair of Clinical Neurosciences
Secretary of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery
Scientific chair of the Society of Neurosurgeons of SA
Pediatric Director of the Brain Trauma Foundation.
He is past president of the International Neurotrauma Society and one of the founder members of Global Neuro.
Specific expertise: Paediatric Neurosurgery
Aurelia Peraud
University of Ulm
Name and Title(s): Prof. Dr. med. Aurelia Peraud
Profession: Physician
Areas of specialty:
Neurotrauma, Neuro-oncology, Pediatric neurosurgery, Critical/Intensive care
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Aurelia Peraud M.D.
Current position(s) and affiliations: Head Pediatric Neurosurgery, Epilepsy surgery and Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit at Ulm University, Clinic for Neurosurgery, Germany.
Specific expertise: Pediatric neurosurgery
Alfonso Lagares
Hospital 12 de Octubre
Name and Title(s): Alfonso Lagares MD
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Prof. Alfonso Lagares M.D., PhD.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Head of Department Neurosurgery. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre Professor of Neurosurgery. Universidad Complutense de Madrid Coordinator of the Investigation Group: Neurotraumatology and Subarachnoid hemorrhage, Area de Neurociencias, Instituto de Investigación imas12. Consultant Neusurgeon. Hospital Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Madrid. Consultant Neurosurgeon Hospital Monográfico Asepeyo (Coslada).
Editor of the journal Neurocirugía, Official Journal of the Spanish Neurosurgical Society; ISSN:1130-1473 included in the JCR and PubMed.
Member of the Spanish Society of Neurosurgery(SENEC), European Association of Neurological Surgeons(EANS) and American Association of Neurological Surgeons(AANS)
Specific expertise: Neurotrauma management, Comprehensive management of Aneurysm, AVMs and SAH. More than 20 years experience in spine surgery.
Expertise both in open and endoscopic cranial base surgery. Including pituitary tumors, meningioma and acoustic neurinomas.
Expertise in Trigeminal Neuralgia management both by open surgery and percutaneous approach.
Celeste Dias
University of Porto
Name and Title(s): PhD Celeste Dias
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Maria Celeste Dias Ferreira M.D., PhD
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Senior Consultant in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Clinical Coordinator of the Neurocritical Care Unit, Intensive Care Department, University Hospital São João, Porto in Portugal.
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Pre and Postgraduate education, since 2017.
Supervision of MsD and PhD of students from the Univ. of Minho and the Univ. of Porto(FMUP, FCUP e FEUP).
Associate Member of “Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto”, Faculty of Sciences, UP, since 2013.
External Professor for ICBAS, University of Porto, Postgraduate education; PG Courses, CESPU, Gandra, and PG Courses, ESS Norte, Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, Oliveira Azemeis.
Specific expertise: Anaesthesiology, Neurocritical and Intensive Care.
Claudius Thomé
University of Innsbruck
Name and Title(s): Prof Dr med Claudius Thomé MD
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Prof. Claudius Thomé, M.D.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Director of the University Department of Neurosurgery at the Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) and President of the Austrian Society for Spine Surgery (ÖGW) since 2009.
eccElearning Spine Surgery Education Programme faculty.
Specific expertise: Spine surgery. Thomé's research interests include subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebral vasospasm, tissue engineering in degenerative spine disease, evidence-based and minimally invasive spine surgery, and intensive care neuromonitoring and neurotraumatology.
P. David Adelson
Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute at WVU Medicine
Name and Title(s): P. David Adelson MD,FACS,FAAP,FAANS
Profession: Physician
Job title: Neurosurgeon
Areas of specialty:
General neurosurgery, Neurotrauma, Pediatric neurosurgery, Functional neurosurgery, Peripheral nerve injury, Critical/Intensive care, Rehabilitation
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): P. David Adelson, MD, FAAP, FACS, FAANS
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Steve A. Antoline Endowed Chair for Children’s Neuroscience, WVU Medicine, Morgantown, WV, USA
Vice Chairman, Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute, WVU Medicine, Morgantown, WV, USA
Executive Director, WVU Children’s Neuroscience Center, WVU Medicine, Morgantown, WV, USA
Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, WVU Medicine, Morgantown, WV, USA
Specific expertise: Pediatric Neurosurgery; pediatric brain, spine/ spinal cord, and peripheral nerve injury, in particular acute clinical management of traumatically brain injured children as well as regenerative and restorative neuroscience. Brachial Plexus and peripheral nerve injury in both adults and children.
David LeFeuvre
University of Cape Town
Name and Title(s): David LeFeuvre
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Prof. David Le Feuvre, M.D., FCS
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Assoicate Professor University of Cape Town
Consultant Neurosurgeon Neurovascular Unit, Groote Schuur Hospital, MBChB Convener, Division of Neurosurgery, South Africa
Member of the Society of Neurosurgeons of South Africa South African Neurointervention Society
World Federation of Therapeutic and Interventional Neuroradiology (Secretary, 9th Bienniel Meeting, 2011)
Specific expertise: Cerebrovascular surgery, Neuro-intervention, Neuro-oncology: Skull Base surgery and glioma surgery.
Deepak Gupta
JPN Apex Trauma Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences , DELHI , India
Name and Title(s): Dr Deepak Gupta MBBS, MS.MCH,PHD
Profession: Physician
Job title: Professor Neurosurgery
Areas of specialty:
General neurosurgery, Neurotrauma, Spinal surgery, Pediatric neurosurgery, Peripheral nerve injury, Critical/Intensive care
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Prof. Deepak Kumar Gupta, M.B.B.S., M.S., MCH, FRCS ( Glasgow), PhD
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor and Consultant Neurosurgeon, Department of Neurosurgery, AIIMS and associated JPN Apex Trauma Centre, New Delhi, India
Visiting faculty, Professor, Neurosurgery, Italy
Specific expertise: Pediatric Neurosurgery (Complex Craniofacial deformity correction, Encephalocele surgery, Simple and Complex Spinal dysraphism surgery, Childhood brain tumors : Craniopharyngiomas).
Congenital Spinal tumors/Craniovertebral junction anomalies.
Spine: Traumatic and Non-traumatic Degenerative deformity correction surgery & Craniovertebral junction surgery, Minimally Invasive Spine & Endoscopic Surgeries.
Brain trauma, Peripheral nerve and Brachial plexus surgery.
Neuro-oncology & Skull base tumor 6. Biomedical testing of Spinal Implants and Study of Brain Injury models with FEM.
Eiichi Suehiro
International University of Health and Welfare, School of Medicine
Name and Title(s): Eiichi Suehiro MD, PhD
Profession: Physician
Job title: Professor
Other Affiliations:
Areas of specialty:
General neurosurgery, Neurotrauma, Neurovascular, Critical/Intensive care, Prehospital care, Emergency care, Research Scientist
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Eiichi Suehiro, M.D., Ph.D.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor of Neurosurgery, International University of Health and Welfare, School of Medicine, Narita, Japan.
Executive directors of the Japan Society of Neurotraumatology and the Japan Society of Neurosurgical Emergency.
Specific expertise: neurotrauma, neurocritical care, cerebrovascular disease
Michael Fehlings
University of Toronto
Name and Title(s): Prof Dr Michael Fehlings MD,PhD, FRCSC,FACS
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Michael G. Fehlings, M.D., PhD, FRCSC, FACS, FRSC, FCAHS
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor of Neurosurgery, Vice Chair Research, Department of Surgery, Co-Director, Spine Program and McLaughlin Scholar in Molecular Medicine at the University of Toronto in Canada.
Gerry and Tootsie Halbert Chair in Neural Repair and Regeneration
Senior Scientist, Krembil Brain Institute
Scientist, McEwen Centre for Regenerative Medicine Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network
Dr. Fehlings combines an active clinical practice in complex spinal surgery with a translationally oriented research program focused on discovering novel treatments for the injured brain and spinal cord. This is reflected by the publication of over 900 peer-reviewed articles (h-index 90) chiefly in the area of central nervous system injury and complex spinal surgery.
Dr. Fehlings leads a multi-disciplinary team of researchers that is examining the application of stem cells, nanotechnology and tissue engineering for CNS repair and regeneration. He is also Chair of the Advisory Committee of the AO Foundation Clinical Investigation Division and leads several international clinical research trials. In addition, Dr. Fehlings is involved in a number of exciting initiatives, including the Center for Advancing Neurotechnological Innovation to Application (CRANIA).
Specific expertise: Central nervous system injury and complex spinal surgery (SCI).
Guoyi Gao
Beijing Tiantan Hospital
Name and Title(s): Guoyi Gao
Other Affiliations:
Areas of specialty:
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Guoyi Gao, M.D., PhD.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor and executive chair of the Department of Neurosurgery, Shanghai General Hospital and Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China.
Vice Chairman of Young Member committee of Chinese Trauma Society
Vice director of Neurotrauma Board of Chinese Trauma society
Board member of Education Committee, Chinese Neurosurgeon Society
Vice Director of Head trauma committee of Shanghai Neurosurgical Association
Specific expertise: Neurotrauma, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Kee Park
Harvard Medical School
Name and Title(s): Kee Park
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Kee B. Park, M.D., MPH,
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Director of Policy and Advocacy Program in Global Surgery and Social Change, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
Co-Chair, Global Neurosurgery Committee World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies
Member, Expert Advisory Panel on Surgical Care World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Neurological Surgery
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery
Maurizio Iacoangeli
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Name and Title(s): Prof. Maurizio Iacoangeli MD,PhD
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Maurizio Iacoangeli, M.D.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor, Chairman Department of Neurosurgery, Marche Polytechnic University, Umberto I General Hospital, Ancona, Italy
Elected on the Executive Committee (Board of Officers) of the following Scientific Societies of the Italian Association of Neuro-Oncology and the Italian Skull Base Society
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery, Minimally Invasive Cranial Base Surgery Center, Brain Tumor
Gail Rosseau
George Washington University
Name and Title(s): Gail Rosseau MD, FAANS, FACS
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Gail Rosseau M.D.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, D.C.
Chairman of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies World Health Organization Liaison Committee (WFNS-WHO), and an officer of the G4 Alliance (Surgical, Obstetrics, Trauma and Anesthesia).
Served on the Board of Directors of the Foundation for International Education in Neurosurgery (FIENS) and of ThinkFirst, the International Head and Spine Injury Prevention Program. She has been elected to leadership positions in the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), Societe de Neurochirurgie de Langue Francaise (SNCLF) and the WFNS.
Specific expertise: Pituitary and skull base surgery, microvascular compression syndromes and stereotactic radiosurgery. Her clinical practice currently is focused in the area of Traumatic Brain Injury.
Mark Wilson
Imperial College of London
Name and Title(s): Mark Wilson
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Prof. Mark Wilson, MBBChir PhD FRCS (SN) FIMC MRCA
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor of practice of brain injury at Imperial College and is honorary professor (the Gibson Chair) of pre-hospital care at the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.
He works in neurosurgery and pre-hospital care at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and for Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance Trust.
Clinical lead for neurotrauma at the Trust and co-director of the Imperial Neurotrauma Centre.
Chair of the trauma committee for the Society of British Neurological Surgeons (SBNS)
He is co-founder of GoodSAM.org.
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery and pre-hospital care, acute and traumatic brain injury (TBI), especially the first few minutes and hours after injury.
Maria Antonia Poca
Vall d'Hebron University
Name and Title(s): Maria Antonia Poca
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): M. Antonia Poca, M.D., Ph.D.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Coordinates the Department of Paediatric Neurosurgery, considered Reference Service (CSUR–Neurocirugía Pediátrica Compleja) by the Ministry of Health since 2013. Neurosurgeon at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (HUVH).
Associate Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
Coordinates research lines for the study of hydrocephalus and congenital craniocervical junction abnormalities at the Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN), a multidisciplinary group where clinical and basic investigators collaborate in translational research.
Reviews research articles for international scientific journals and collaborates with McMaster Online Rating of Evidence (MORE) and has been a member of the technical commission for the evaluation of research projects for the Spanish Ministry of Health.
Member of the Sociedad Española de Neurocirugía Pediátrica (2013), Sociedad Catalana de Biología (2005), Sociedad de Neurocirugía de Chile (2003), Sociedad Española de Neurocirugía (1995), and Honorific member of the Sociedad Andaluza de Neurocirugía (2002). Also, belongs to the European Reference Network on Rare Neurological Diseases (ERN-RND), the Collaborative European Neuro-Trauma Effectiveness Research in TBI (CENTER-TBI), and the European collaborative network Pediatric Brain Monitoring with Information Technology (KidsBrainIT)
Specific expertise: Neurotrauma, neurosurgery, neuropsychology, diagnosis and treatment of hydrocephalus, diagnosis of dementia, intracranial pressure monitoring and practical clinical assistance.
Her clinical field of interest is the treatment of the alterations of the cerebrospinal fluid dynamics, the normotensive hydrocephalus, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), the surgery of the cranio-cervical junction and basal cranium, and the stereotaxy.
Se-Hyuk Kim
Ajou University
Name and Title(s): Professor Se-Hyuk Kim
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Se-Hyuk Kim, M.D., Ph.D.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea
Chair, Brain Tumor Center and Gamma Knife Center at Ajou University Hospital, Suwon, Korea.
Afiliated with:
- Korean Medical Society
- Korean Neurosurgical Society
- Korean Brain Tumor Society
- Korean Neurotraumatology Society
- Korean Society of Geriatric Neurosurgery
- Korean Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Society
- Korean Society for Neuro-Oncology
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery
Franco Servadei
Humanitas University
Name and Title(s): Professor Franco Servadei No
Profession: Physician
Job title: Prof of Neurosurgery
Areas of specialty:
General neurosurgery, Neurotrauma, Critical/Intensive care
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Franco Servadei, M.D.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor of Neurosurgery, Humanitas University , Milano, Italy
Honorary Professor of Neurosurgery at Burdenko Institute, Moskow, Russia, Universita’ Italiana di Buenos Aires, Argentina, University of Surabaya, Indonesia, north Wetsern University, Peshawar Pakistan andUniversity of Cambridge , UK.
Chairman the Neurotrauma Committee of the WFNS (2002-2009)
President Italian Neurosurgical Society 2010-2012
President Elect , WFNS (2015) and President of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies from 2017 to 2021 than Padt President
Invited speaker in the last 10 years to 72 international meetings in all the 5 Continents of the WFNS
Visiting professor in UK, Taiwan, Russia, Argentina, India, Indonesia, USA, Brazil, Vietnam, France, Bolivia
Chairman of 5 international training course for young Neurosurgeons, teacher in other 17 Courses
Organizer of 5 International World Meetings
Specific expertise: Neurotrauma
Francis Bernard
Université de Montréal
Name and Title(s): Francis Bernard
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Francis Bernard, MD, FRCPC
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Full Clinical Professor at University of Montréal since 2018.
Director of the neurological care unit (NCCU) of the Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur in Montreal (HSCM) since 2006 and is responsible for its development.
He is the author of an intracranial hypertension management guide, which is supported by INESSS for its excellence.
Researcher at the HSCM research center since 2007. He is the co-director of the trauma and critical care research axis of the center since 2012. He acts as a reviewer for various scientific journals and the FRQ-S.
He is also the only Canadian member of the clinical standardization team of the NIH granted BOOST-3 trial.
Specific expertise: Internal medicine and Critical care
Paul Manson
Johns Hopkins University
Name and Title(s): Distinguished Service Professor Paul Manson MD
Other Affiliations:
Cranioplasty Frontobasilar injuries facial and cranial reconstruction scalp reconstruction
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Paul Nellis Manson, M.D.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Dr. Manson has served as president of three of the six important professional organizations for plastic surgery in North America. He has been honored with numerous awards, including an Honorary Award from the American Association of Plastic Surgeons and as a Top Doctor in Plastic Reconstructive Surgery from Baltimore Magazine in 2010 and 1013.
President of Global Neuro Foundation.
Specific expertise: Plastic Surgery
Michael Reinert
Hirslanden St. Anna
Name and Title(s): Michael Reinert
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Prof. Michael Reinert, M.D.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Consultant neurosurgery physician at the Neuro- and Spinal Center at the Hirslanden Klinik St. Anna in Lucerne nd Spinal Center Central Switzerland Ticino, Switzerland.
Chief Physician of the Department of Neurosurgery at the Neurocenter of the Canton of Ticino in Lugano.
Specific expertise: Neurooncological treatments of brain tumors and skull base tumors, minimally invasive treatments of spinal, degenerative and traumatic pathologies.
Mathew Joseph
Christian Medical College Vellore
Name and Title(s): Professor Mathew Joseph
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Mathew Joseph MD, MBBS, MCh
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor of Neurosurgery in Christian Medical College, Vellore, India since 2004.
President Elect of the Neurotrauma Society of India and trauma section editor for World Neurosurgery. Recognized teacher of the Indian Society of Critical Care
Vice Chancellor of the College of Neurocritical Care.
Specific expertise: Traumatic brain injury and neurocritical care
Corrado Iaccarino
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Name and Title(s): Prof Corrado Iaccarino
Profession: Physician
Job title: Neurosurgeon
Other Affiliations:
University Hospital of Modena, Modena, Italy AUSL RE IRCCS of Reggio Emilia, reggio Emilia, Italy
Areas of specialty:
General neurosurgery, Neurotrauma
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Prof. Corrado Iaccarino M.D. PhD
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Associate Professor in Neurosurgery, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences – University Hospital of Modena – Neurosurgery Division – Modena, Italy.
Member of the Italian Neurosurgical Society (Vicepresident 2024-2026)
Member of the Advisory Board of the Neurotraumatology Committee of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies.
Member of Guide Lines Task Force of European Association of Neurosurgical Societies
Former Head (2014-2016/2018-2020) and former Secretary (2012-2014/2016-2018) of the Traumatic Brain Injury Group of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery.
Specific expertise: Traumatic brain injury, Cranial reconstruction, spine trauma, neuronavigation and neuroendoscopy
Federal University of Amazonas
Name and Title(s): Prof. ROBSON DE AMORIM MD, PhD
Profession: Physician
Other Affiliations:
Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery
Areas of specialty:
General neurosurgery, Neurotrauma, Neuro-oncology, Functional neurosurgery, Critical/Intensive care, Research Scientist
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Robson Luis Amorim, M.D., PhD.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor of Neurosurgery of the University of São Paulo and Federal University of Amazonas, Manaos, Brazil
Vice coordinator of the Department of Neurointensive Care of the Brazilian Neurosurgery Society
Vice-President of the Brazilian Academy Society
Global Neuro Faculty
Specific expertise: Neurotraumatology
Shelly Timmons
Medical College of Wisconsin
Name and Title(s): Professor of Neurosurgery Shelly Timmons Chair, Department of Neurological Surgery; Co-Director, Neuroscience Institute
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Shelly D. Timmons, MD, PhD, Prof
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Specific expertise: Neurotrauma
Geoffrey Manley
University of California, San Francisco
Name and Title(s): Prof Dr Geoffrey Manley MD, PhD
Profession: Physician
Job title: Professor of Neurosurgery
Areas of specialty:
Neurotrauma, Critical/Intensive care
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Geoffrey Manley, Prof Dr
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Margaret Liu Endowed Professor in Traumatic Brain Injury
Weill Institute for Neurosciences
Professor and Vice Chairman of Neurological Surgery
Co-Director, Brain and Spinal Injury Center (BASIC)
University of California, San Francisco
Chief of Neurosurgery
Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center
Specific expertise: Dr. Manley's research interests range from molecular aspects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) to the clinical care of TBI victims.
Ivan Timofeev
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Name and Title(s): Mr Ivan Timofeev MD FRCS (SN) PhD FEBNS
Profession: Physician
Job title: Consultant Neurosurgeon
Areas of specialty:
General neurosurgery, Neurotrauma, Spinal surgery, Critical/Intensive care
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Ivan Timofeev, FRCS (SN) PhD FEBNS
Current position(s) and affiliations: Neurosurgeon at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Specific expertise: Adult spinal disease, Neurotrauma
Andreas Demetriades
University of Edinburgh
Name and Title(s): Mr Andreas Demetriades FRCS(Neuro.Surg), FEBNS
Profession: Physician
Job title: Consultant Neurosurgeon
Areas of specialty:
General neurosurgery, Neurotrauma, Skull base, Spinal surgery, Neuro-oncology, Pain and neuromodulation management, Epidemiology
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s):
Andreas Demetriades,
MB.BChir. (Cantab), M.Phil. (Cantab), FRCSEd (Neuro.Surg), FEBNS
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spinal Surgeon, Edinburgh UK,
Past President EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies)
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery
José Fernández-Alén
Hospital Universitario de la Princesa
Name and Title(s): Dr. José Fernández-Alén MD, PhD
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Jose Fernandez Alen, Dr. MD, PhD
Current position(s) and affiliations: Head of the Neurosurgery service at the Hospital Universitario de La Princesa by competitive examination.
Specific expertise: Neurotrauma
Jong-Hyun Kim
Korea University Hospital of Guro
Name and Title(s): Jong-Hyun Kim
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Jong Hyun Kim, Dr.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Associate Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery
Michael Buchfelder
University of Erlangen
Name and Title(s): Prof. Dr. Michael Buchfelder
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Michael Buchfelder, Prof. Dr. med
Current position(s) and affiliations: Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Erlangen, Germany
Specific expertise: Neurotrauma
Wellingson Paiva
University of Sao Paulo
Name and Title(s): Wellingson Paiva MD, PhD
Profession: Physician
Areas of specialty:
General neurosurgery, Neurotrauma
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Paiva Wellingson, MD, PhD
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine of London.
Professor and Supervisor of the Neurotrauma Unit - Hospital das Clínicas USP.
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery
Julian Bailes
Northshore University Healthsystem
Name and Title(s): Julian Bailes
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Julian E. Bailes, MD
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Founding member of the Brain Injury Research Institute
Professor and chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at West Virginia University School of Medicine.
Former team physician of the Pittsburgh Steelers and has been a neurological consultant to the NFL Players’ Association (NFLPA)
Medical Director of the Center for Study of Retired Athletes based at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Specific expertise: Head Injuries on professional athletes
Michael C. Dewan
Vanderbilt University
Name and Title(s): Michael C. Dewan MD, MSCI
Profession: Physician
Areas of specialty:
Pediatric neurosurgery
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Michael Dewan, MD, MSCI
Current position(s) and affiliations: Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurological Surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
He earned his MD from Yale University and completed his residency in Neurological Surgery at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. He served as the 2016 Paul Farmer Global Neurosurgery Fellow at the Program in Global Surgery and Social Change at Harvard Medical School and as Pediatric Neurosurgery Chief Fellow at the Hospital for Sick Children at the University of Toronto.
He is the Surgical Director of the Pediatric Neuro-Oncology, and Pediatric Neurovascular Programs, as well as the Academic Director of the Global Neurosurgery Program at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery
Ernest Barthélemy
Downstate Health Science University
Name and Title(s): Ernest Barthélemy MD, MA, MPH
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Ernest Barthelemy, MD, MPH, MA
Current position(s) and affiliations: Chief of Neurosurgery, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
President and Co-Founder, Society of Haitian Neuroscientists
Specific expertise: Neurotrauma, Global Neurosurgery
Robert Vink
University of South Australia
Name and Title(s): Robert Vink PhD
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Robert Vink, Prof. PhD
Current position(s) and affiliations: Member of the Order of Australia for services to neurotrauma research, teaching, advocacy and community service.
I am currently the President of the International Neurotrauma Society, and the Chair of the Board, Connectivity: Traumatic Brain Injury Australia.
Specific expertise: Traumatic Brain Injury
Shaheem De Vries
University of Cape Town
Name and Title(s): Dr Shaheem De Vries
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Shaheem de Vries, Dr.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Current Head of the Western Cape Government Health Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Currently completing an executive MBA at the Graduate School of Business with a special interest in safety within complex systems. Dr de Vries is also a UCT alumnus.
Specific expertise: Neurotrauma
Chiara Robba
Policlinico San Martini
Name and Title(s): Chiara Robba MD, PhD
Profession: Physician
Areas of specialty:
Neurotrauma, Critical/Intensive care, Neurology
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Chiara Robba, MD, PhD
Current position(s) and affiliations: San Martino Policlinico Hospital
Chiara Robba is a Consultant in Neuro and General Intensive Care at Policlinico San Martino, Genova. She worked for many years at Addenbrookes Hospital, in Cambridge and she got a PhD in Neuroscience under the supervision of Prof Marek Czosnyka. She is currently Deputy Chair of the Neuro Intensive Care section of the ESICM. Her research interests are mainly on Neuromonitoring, autoregulation and mechanical ventilation.
Specific expertise: Neuromonitoring, neuro intensive care.
Jordan Komisarow
Duke University
Name and Title(s): Dr. Jordan Komisarow M.D.
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Jordan M. Komisarow, MD
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Neurosurgeon, Duke Cancer Center, Durham, NC
Specific expertise: Traumatic Brain Injury
Uzma Samadani
University of Minnesota
Name and Title(s): Uzma Samadani MD, PhD
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Uzma Samadani, MD, PhD
Current position(s) and affiliations: University of Minnesota
Associate Professor in the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Minnesota with graduate faculty appointments in Neuroscience and Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery
Elham Rostami
University of Uppsala
Name and Title(s): Elham Rostami
Additional biographical information:
Elham Rostami, MD, PhD, born in Iran. She studied at Karolinska Institute in Sweden. she interned in Bangalore, India and provided medical care for children with Aspergers in Sweden all while obtaining fellowships from Johns Hopkins to research stroke, training on fMRI techniques at NIH in Bethesda, and starting a PhD on Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). After graduating in 2008, Rostami worked as an ED physician, and worked on addiction, prior to graduating from neurosurgery training in 2017, after which she was appointed an associate professor in neurosurgery, a clinical scientist at the prestigious Karolinska Institute, and a consultant neurosurgeon at the Uppsala University Hospital in the subsequent years. She also holds a Wallenberg clinical fellow position.
Rostami’s extensive research profile encompasses many aspects of TBI, from biomarkers, physiology, pharmacology, treatment, and imaging amongst many others. She authored and co-authored over 60 peer-reviewed publications, and contributed to myriad book chapters. She is a recognised authority on CBF, and has been an invited speakers to several major conferences to speak on the matter, including the EANS and Euroanaesthesia. In addition to her busy clinical duties, she is active in mentoring research theses for PhD students both as a main and as a co-supervisor. She has attracted over 13 million Swedish Krona (EUR ~1.3 million) in research funding. Furthermore, Rostami serves as the Vice Chair of the Neurotrauma Section of the EANS, is a member of the Swedish Ethical Review Authority, and is a commissioner in the assessment group of the Faculty of Medicine's Foundation for Psychiatric and Neurological Research.
Ann Parr
University of Minnesota
Name and Title(s): Ann Parr PhD, MD
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Ann Parr, MD, PhD
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Associate Professor of Neurological Surgeons, University of Minnesota
Director, Spinal Neurosurgery Preceptor, University of Minnesota
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery
Randy Bell
Avera, University of South Dakota
Name and Title(s): Professor Randy Bell MD
Profession: Physician
Job title: Neurosurgery/Endovascular Neurosurgery
Other Affiliations:
Adjunct Professor of Surgery Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences Bethesda, MD Military Director/Advisor Brain Trauma Foundation
Areas of specialty:
General neurosurgery, Neurotrauma, Neurovascular
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Randy Bell, MD
Current position(s) and affiliations: Avera Mckennan Hospital and University Health Center, University of South Dakota School of Medicine
Dr. Randy S. Bell is an endovascular neurosurgeon in Sioux Falls, South Dakota who specializes in the care cerebrovascular disorders including stroke. He recently retired from active duty in the United States Navy where, for 20 years practicing at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and other locations around the world, he cared for the wounded who returned from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is the Co-PI on the forthcoming second edition guidelines for the management of penetrating brain injury.
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery, endovascular neurosurgery, traumatic cerebrovascular injury
Alex Valadka
Virginia Commonwealth University
Name and Title(s): Alex Valadka MD
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Alex Valadka, MD
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor and Chair, Department of Neurosurgery Director, American Board of Neurological Surgery President-Elect, American Association of Neurological Surgeons
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery
Jean-Claude Hemphill
University of California
Name and Title(s): Jean-Claude Hemphill MD,MAS
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Jean-Claude Hemphill, Prof., MD, MAS
Current position(s) and affiliations: Professor of Neurology at UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences and Director of Neurocritical Care at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital.
Professor of Neurology
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery
John Hurlbert
University of Arizona
Name and Title(s): Dr John Hurlbert MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACS
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): John Hurlbert, MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACS
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor, Surgery
Co-Medical Director, Spine ProgramJohn Hurlbert joined the University of Arizona Department of Surgery, Division of Neurosurgery in August 2016 in the role of co-director of the UA Spine Program. His focus includes program-building, residency, and spine fellowship training and clinical and translational research.
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery
Arjang Ahmadpour
University of Chicago
Name and Title(s): Arjang Ahmadpour
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Arjang Ahmadpour, M.D.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
University of California, Davis T32 Research Fellowship and Master's Program (Master's in Clinical Research) (2015-2016)
Neurosurgery Resident (Post Graduate Year 4) at the University of Chicago Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery (2017-2024)
Specific expertise: Concussion, Spinal Trauma
Marek Czosnyka
University of Cambridge
Name and Title(s): Prof Marek Czosnyka
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Marek Czosnyka, Prof.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
In 1986 he obtained PhD tile for his thesis about Intracranial Pressure processing and interpretation. In 1991 was offered scientific position at University of Cambridge, UK.
Reader in Brain Physics (2003) and in 2013- Professor of Brain Physics in Neurosurgical Unit, University of Cambridge, UK. In a meanwhile, in 2006 he was granted by President of Poland the title of Belvedere (Warsaw) Professor of Technical Sciences.
Specific expertise: Brain Physics
Oscar L Alves
Hospital Lusiadas
Name and Title(s): Oscar L Alves MD
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Oscar L. Alves, M.D
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Head of Neurosurgery Hospital Lusíadas Porto
Senior Consultant in Neurosurgery Centro Hospitalar de Gaia Espinho
Cranial Base Consultant Centro Hospitalar entre Douro e Vouga
Fulbright Fellow
Executive Board Member and Treasurer CSRS-E
Board Member Spine Committe WFNS
Assistant Professor in Neurosurgery Hôpital Lariboisiere, Université Paris VII, France
Post-Doc Assistant, Neurosurgery, Medical College of Virginia, USASpecific expertise: Neurosurgery, Spine Surgery
Niklas Marklund
University of Lund
Name and Title(s): Niklas Marklund
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Niklas Marklund, M.D.,PhD.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Professor and Academic Chair at the Department of Neurosurgery at Lund University, Sweden
Director of LUBIN Lab, Lund Laboratory for Brain Injury research in Neurosurgery
Founding member and vice president of ENO (European Neurotrauma Organization)
Consultant neurosurgeon (överläkare), Lund University Hospital
European editor J Neurotrauma
Chair- Swedish Sports Concussion Society (SSCS)
Member (elected) World Federation of Neurological Surgery (WFNS)
Neurotraumatology Committee and Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee (SNC)2017.-2021 Chair EANS Trauma & Critical Care
Specific expertise: Neurotraumatology that includes experimental as well as clinical research and ranges from sports-related concussions to neurocritical care topics, vascular disorders and spinal neurosurgery.
Niklas Marklund is since 2016 professor and academic chair at the Department of Neurosurgery at Lund University, Sweden, as well as professor of neurosurgery at Uppsala University, Sweden. He went to medical school in Umeå, Sweden and had his neurosurgical training in Uppsala. After his PhD on traumatic brain injury in 2001, he spent two years as a post-doctoral fellow in Philadelphia, USA continuing his research on neurotraumatology. His main clinical and scientific areas of interest are neurotraumatology that includes experimental as well as clinical research and ranges from sports-related concussions to neurocritical care topics, vascular disorders and spinal neurosurgery.
Niklas Marklund was 2010-2016 the Swedish representative in the EANS training committee as well as the scientific secretary of the Swedish Neurosurgical Society. He hosted the 2015 Uppsala training course, is a current member of the EANS exam committee and is a Swedish course leader for the annual Scandinavian neurosurgical courses, Beitostolen, Norway. He is the current mentor of 5 PhD students and on the editorial board or associate editor of five journals including Frontiers in Neurology- Neurotrauma, Journal of Neurotrauma and Acta Neurochirurgica. He is elected member of the Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee, European Brain Injury Consortium, and the Neurotrauma Committee of the WFNS. Niklas Marklund has a genuine sports interest and enjoys the art of piano playing. He is of course an individual member of the EANS and was in October 2017 elected as the section chair of Trauma & Critical Care of the EANS.
Ryan Kitagawa
University of Texas
Name and Title(s): Ryan Kitagawa Associate Professor
Profession: Physician
Areas of specialty:
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Ryan Kitagawa, M.D.
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Director of Neurotrauma at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston.
Dr. Kitagawa's clinical and research interests include traumatic brain injury, intracerebral hemorrhage, and stroke.
Specific expertise: Neurotrauma and critical care
Jamie Ullman
Northshore University
Name and Title(s): Jamie Ullman MD,FACS(C),FAANS
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Jamie S. Ullman, MD, FACS
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Director of neurotrauma at the Institute for Neurology and Neurosurgery at North Shore University Hospital
Specific expertise: Neurosurgery
Lori Shutter
University of Pittsburgh
Name and Title(s): Professor Lori Shutter
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Lori A. Shutter, Prof Dr.
Current position(s) and affiliations: Neurologist in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside and Washington Hospital-Pennsylvania.
Specific expertise: Neurotrauma
Luzius Steiner
University of Basel
Name and Title(s): Prof Luzius Steiner MD, PhD
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Luzius Steiner, Prof. MD
Current position(s) and affiliations:
Dr Steiner is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Anaesthesia, Surgical Intensive Care, Prehospital Emergency Medicine and Pain Therapy at the University Hospital of Basel
Medical Head Department of Acute Medicine at the University Hospital of Basel
Specific expertise: neurointensive care, neuromonitoring
Lubdha M. Shah
University of Utah
Name and Title(s): Lubdha M. Shah MD
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Lubdha M. Shah, MD
Current position(s) and affiliations: Director of spine imaging, University of Utah
Specific expertise: neurointerventional spinal procedures such as epidural steroid injections
Wilco Peul
University Neursurgical Center Holland, The Hague & Leiden
Name and Title(s): Prof. Wilco Peul MD, PhD, MPH, MBa
Profession: Physician
Job title: Professor&Chair Neurosurgery
Other Affiliations:
President UEMS Section Neurodurgery
Areas of specialty:
Neurotrauma, Spinal surgery, Critical/Intensive care, Epidemiology, Emergency care
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Wilco Peul, Prof. MD, PhD, MPH, MBa
Current position(s) and affiliations: Chair University Neurosurgical Center Holland (UNCH) , LUMC | HMC | HAGA Leiden-The Hague
Specific expertise: Neurotrauma & Spine
Himanshu Shekhar
Ninewells Hospital & Medical School - NHS Tayside
Name and Title(s): Himanshu Shekhar
Additional biographical information:
Name and title(s): Himanshu Shekhar, FRCS (Neuro.Surg), FEBNS
Current position(s) and affiliations: Consultant Spinal Neurosurgeon, Ninewells Hosptial and Medical School, Dundee, UK
This Global Neuro Comprehensive Online Diploma in Neurotrauma Care has been developed for neurosurgeons and other health care providers, including residents, dedicated to the integral management of Neurotrauma, as well as complex and interdisciplinary patient care.
The diploma program is a combination of lectures, tutorials and case studies, to increase participants' basic understanding of evidence-based practice in neurotrauma. The video lectures will be delivered weekly and will be available in a repository for remote access during the 21 weeks duration of the program.
The program is organized in 10 modules (typically each one with 6 lectures, totaling 61 lectures). These will be evaluated with a multiple-choice test with a minimum required score of 70%. At the end of the 10 modules a final exam evaluating the content of the whole program will be performed online.
The final grade will be a sum of the module’s exams (50%) and the final exam (50%). The minimum required score to obtain the certification will be 7.0 / 10 (70%)
Module 1: Neurotrauma Epidemiology and Trauma Care Systems
Date(s): July 24 to Aug 6, 2023
Moderator: Kee Park (Harvard Medical School / USA)
Faculty: Michael C Dewan (Vanderbilt University / USA), Ernest Barthelemy (Downstate Health Science University/ USA), Andres Rubiano (University El Bosque / Colombia), Jeffrey Rosenfeld (Monash University / Australia), Kee Park (Harvard Medical School / USA), Gail Rosseau (George Washington University / USA)
Module 2: Insights of Neurotrauma Pathophysiology
Date(s):Aug 7 to Aug 20, 2023
Moderator: Anthony Figaji (University of Cape Town / South Africa)
Faculty: Niklas Marklund (University of Lund / Sweden), Mathew Joseph (CMC Vellore / India), Anthony Figaji (University of Cape Town / South Africa), Robert Vink (University of South Australia / Australia), Gregory Hawryluk (Cleveland Clinic/ USA), Michael Fehlings (University of Toronto / Canada)
Module 3: Initial Assessment and Management of the Neurotrauma Patients
Date(s): Aug 21 to Sept 3, 2023
Moderator: Ryan Kitagawa (University of Texas / USA)
Faculty: Deepak Gupta (AIIMS / India), Mark Wilson (Imperial College London / UK), Claudius Thomé (University of Innsbruck / Austria), Shaheem De Vries (University of Cape Town / South Africa), Shelly Timmons (Indiana University / USA), Ryan Kitagawa (University of Texas / USA)
Module 4: Neurotrauma Diagnostic Systems and Brain Monitoring Devices I
Date(s): Sept 4 to Sept 17, 2023
Moderator: Alex Valadka (Virginia Commonwealth University / USA), (Lori Shutter (University of Pittsburgh / USA)
Faculty: Geoffrey Manley (University of California / USA), Lubdha M Shah (University of Utah / USA), Maria A. Poca (Vall D'Hebron University / Spain), Jamie Ullman (Northshore University / USA), Chiara Robba (Policlinico San Martino, Genova, Italy), Jordan Komisarov (Duke University / USA)
Module 5: Neurotrauma Diagnostic Systems and Brain Monitoring Devices II
Date(s): Sept 18 to Oct 1 2023
Moderator: Gregory Hawryluk (Cleveland Clinic/ USA)
Faculty: Maurizio Iacoangeli (Universita Politecnica delle Marche / Italy), Uzma Samadani (University of Minnesota / USA), Marek Czosnyka (University of Cambridge / UK), Lori Shutter (University of Pittsburgh / USA), Luzius Steiner (University of Basel / Switzerland), Elham Rostami (University of Uppsala / Sweden)
Module 6: Surgical Management of Neurotrauma Patients I
Date(s): Oct 2 to Oct 15 2023
Moderator: Andres Rubiano (University El Bosque / Colombia)
Faculty: Ivan Timofeev (Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust/ UK), Se-Hyuk Kim (Ajou University / South Korea), Eiichi Suehiro (University of Health and Welfare / Japan), Franco Servadei (Humanitas University / Italy), Alfonso Lagares (Hospital 12 de octubre / Spain), Jose Fernandez Alen (Hospital Universitario de la Princesa / Spain)
Module 7: Surgical Management of Neurotrauma Patients II
Date(s): Oct 16 to Oct 29 2023
Moderators: Andreas Demetriades (University of Edinburgh / UK) and Michael Fehlings (University of Toronto / Canada)
Faculty: Michael Fehlings (University of Toronto / Canada), Andreas Demetriades (University of Edinburgh / UK), Himanshu Shekhar (Ninewells Hospital & Medical School / UK), Michael Reinert (Hirslanden St. Anna / Switzerland), Oscar Alves (Hospital Lusíadas / Portugal), Ann Parr (University of Minnesota / USA), David Le Feuvre (University of Cape Town / South Africa), Randy Bell (Bethesda University / USA)
Module 8: Critical Care Management of Neurotrauma Patients
Date(s): Oct 30 to Nov 12 2023
Moderator: Gregory Hawryluk (Cleveland Clinic/ USA)
Faculty: Alex Valadka (Virginia Commonwealth University / USA), Jean-Claude Hemphill (University of California / USA), Niklas Marklund (University of Lund / Sweden), Francis Bernard (University of Montréal / Canada), Celeste Dias (University of Porto / Portugal), John Hulbert (University of Arizona /USA)
Module 9: Integral Management of Special Neurotrauma Populations
Date(s): Nov 13 to Nov 26
Moderators: David Adelson (WVU Medicine Children's / USA) and Andras Büki (University of Örebro/Sweden)
Faculty: Robson Amorim (Federal University of Amazonas and University of Sao Paulo), Andras Büki (University of Örebro/Sweden), David Adelson (WVU Medicine Children's/ USA), Aurelia Peraud (University of Ulm / Germany), Jong Hyun Kim (Korea University Hospital of Guro / South Korea), Michael Buchfelder (University of Erlangen / Germany)
Module 10: Management of Complex Cases and Complications in Neurotrauma Patients
Date(s): Nov 27 to Dec 10
Moderator: Corrado Iaccarino (University of Modena / Italy)
Faculty: Guoyi Gao (Beijing Tiantan Hospital/ China), Wellingson Paiva (University of Sao Paulo / Brazil), Corrado Iaccarino (University of Modena / Italy), Julian Bailes (NorthShore University Healthsystem / USA), Arjang Ahmadpour (University of Chicago / USA), Paul Manson (John Hopkins University / USA)
Final Exams : 2x 25 Questions
Date(s): Dec 4 to Dec 31 2023
Moderators: Andres Rubiano (University El Bosque / Colombia) and Gregory Hawryluk (Cleveland Clinic/ USA)
Participants will also benefit from:
- Pre-selected readings
- Recordings of the previous Q&A sessions for each module
- Expert input in module fora
Diploma Closes Dec 31 2023
In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by CME Outfitters, LLC and the Global Neuro Foundation. CME Outfitters, LLC is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
CME Outfitters, LLC designates this enduring activity for a maximum of 43.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
By completing this course, participants will be better able to:
- Demonstrate the magnitude of the spectrum of neurotrauma epidemiology worldwide and how different types of injuries can affect patients in different age groups.
- Develop the ability to read and understand published research related to cranial and spinal neurotrauma, integrated management and outcomes.
- Analyze the differences of initial assessment and management of neurotrauma patients in different level of resource availability, interacting with protocols, guidelines, consensus and evidence-based interventions in a wider frame of patient safety first.
- Develop the appropriate decision-making skills to apply a multi-disciplinary and cross-specialty approach to the prehospital, emergency care, surgical and critical care management of neurotrauma patients.
- Generate the essential knowledge and critical analysis to define futility of care in complex cases and in neurotrauma care related complications.
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